Translation Services

Professional translation of your marketing from English to Chinese is key to your business success.

It is easy to translate a text from line to line, however, to own it, is a piece of art – the kind that empower audience to read in between the lines and catch what message is the text conveying.

Marketing translation is much more than just translating the language itself. It’s more about rewriting it creatively and appealingly to better serve its marketing propose – targeting the Chinese consumers. As a linguist, Ice will fully utilize her expertise of Chinese consumer behaviour and market climate and combine the product / service itself to translate it into what suits the Chinese market most. She is willing to go the extra mile to translate what your text deserves.

Ice Communications specialises in translations for marketing materials, such as

Real estate property description / brochure / website
Restaurant menu
Retail online store
Other marketing materials

Here’s are some samples.
Restaurant Menu
Opera Bar – English & Chinese

Real Estate Website